Thursday, November 29, 2018

French Revolution Blog Post #2

Due by 10pm on Monday, 1-28

Read the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (located in packet) and post (as your social class):

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these articles and why?  How do you predict they will affect change in France? Specifically reference AT LEAST 3 articles in your entry. 

You must submit your original post (2 paragraphs min.) and comment on at least 1 other persons post (1 paragraph).

Respond as one of the following based on your last name:

Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D)
Bourgeoisie (E - H)
Noble (I - L)
Clergy (M - P)
Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T) 
King Louis XVI (U - Z)


  1. I've said it before and I will say it again; the Enlightenment is encouraging preposterous behavior and inciting the Third Estate to rebel against their benevolent King and Queen. This Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is a work of insanity and to be frank, ungratefulness. The First and Second Estate offer protection and this is what we are paid with. That being said I would like to discuss the contents of this Declaration proposed by Lafayette.

    It is my belief that articles 13 and 14 aren't logical, nor beneficial for our country. They claim that taxes should vary based on one's supply. How is this equal? And how does it improve our country's economy? Furthermore, article 6 describes having representatives. Our country does in fact have representatives. Each Estate is represented and council together. There is no need for any more confusion and chaos that having representatives based on head count would cause. The ideas proposed in this Declaration would mean our country turning to shambles, losing its order, and going in a downward spiral as far as the economy is concerned.

    --- Paige Landers/Noble

    1. As King Louis XVI, I believe that many of your points are right and justified. The declaration definitely encourages many of the ideas proposed through the Enlightenment. I agree with you that these ideas are definitely negative and won't bring good to our state due to the fact that our state relies on the Clergy, a central part of our state. Without fundamental religious ideals, there will be a definite lack of organization and power. Additionally, I agree with you that Articles #13 and #14 are not beneficial and rather detrimental due to the fact that taxes should be focused on the Third Estate since the First and Second estates are of vital importance and it is very necessary to make sure that the first and second estates enjoy high privileges. I also believe your statement regarding that we already have estates, and there is no need for reform, as under my rule, it has been very successful.

      James Wang (King Louis XVI)

    2. As a noble, you would understand better than anyone else what is it like to succeed. Prior to the articles, you would spend your days indulging in the finer things in life. You pride yourself in your titles and belittling the commoners. But what is really changing? So what, you have to set aside a few more dollars for taxes. That does not impact you so much that you are unable to afford your luxuries. In addition, you are technically gaining more power with these changes. You have considerable power in the parliament if you get elected. And with your title and wealth there is a greater chance that you could rise to that position of power. You may not be able to make decisions unopposed, but you do have influence. There is no longer a need to constantly suck up to the royals to get what you want as they do not have the same resonance to their names anymore. If anything, you are concerned that an individual that was once a commoner can now get to the same level as you; it makes you feel less important. This should not worry you though as long as you are living the same comfortable life. Hey, if you do end up losing all your wealth, then at least you are not subjected to the same hell that the commoners had to deal before the revolution.

      Nicole Attallah/Peasant

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. As a peasant of France, I disagree with your opinions about articles 13 and 14. The articles state that all citizens of France shall pay an equal amount in taxes. Peasants have always paid so much more than nobles or any one else when we are the ones struggling the most in our daily lives to survive. The articles state facts that will help the French live better lives with struggling to support our families behind us and better days ahead of us. The Enlightenment is encouraging the unity of humanity, it will help steer France into a better direction because the land will no longer be in chaos.

      Nicole Datastanyan/ Peasant

  2. As King Louis XVI, I disagree with the overall majority of these articles. These articles try to promote an idea that is not sustainable and will not help France in the long-term. For instance, Article #10, which states that no man should be disquieted because of his opinions, is utterly wrong as it encourages the Enlightenment, which weakens the balance and well-being of the state. Due to this article, the clergy and religious ideals are to be threatened, which will cause massive disruption to the french state. Additionally, Article #11, which states that free communication is a right for all people, brings no good to France. It undermines the authority of the monarchy and the first and second estates, bringing many problems with it.

    I foresee that these articles will affect change in France in many negative ways. For instance, Article #3, which states that the source of all sovereignty lies essentially in the nation, is going to undermine my authority which has kept France in a good state as well as hurt and damage my Palace of Versailles, which is a fundamental part of what is great in our nation. Furthermore, Article #6, which states that all citizens should be equally admissible to all public offices, positions, and employments, is utterly wrong. The three estates were established as it provided the success and well-being of the monarchy. By essentially abolishing these estates, nothing good will come out of it, and with everyone equal, there will be no strong central authority, such as what I act as.

    James Wang (King Louis XVI)

    1. King Louis XVI, it is an honor to be able to interact with you. I believe you are completely right in every sense. The First and Second Estate are the backbone of our country, with you at the top. Without this system, we would be nothing. Without your rule and structure, we are ruined. Adding on to your comments about Article 10, not everyone is capable of making advanced and complex decisions that come with ruling and structure.

      ---Paige Landers/Noble

    2. Hello, my king, Article #10 is exactly what allows me the freedom to disagree with you, your highness, because the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are definitely going to benefit France. You disagree with Article 3 due to its undermining of your authority, but under your rule France kept its economic crisis and even had to call upon a meeting of the Estates which hasn't happened for 175 years. That article, placing France under the rule of the People, is just the step in the right direction to reverse this tragic state of affairs. The ironic part is that under that article, you could still even rule absolutely if the people gave you consent to rule through law - but its clear that the people would not want you to rule after this voyage of chaos that is the French Monarchy.
      ~Ryan Chanthapadith, Peasant

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As a peasant of France, I believe the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is a godsend - but definitely not one from the corrupt clergy and nobility of this world. These ideas mentioned in the articles are quite beneficial to my life in many ways - for example, article 12 and 13 which dictates that we have a right on deciding PROPORTIONAL taxes to contribute to state police and administration is not only efficient but written in such good will it makes my peasant heart cry. Speaking of my heart crying, I only share a concern for my public education which is currently controlled by the clergy. However, as article 6 guarantees my involvement in the creation of law, I believe I can voice my concern for my education in a more civil manner.

    These articles are going to have a tremendous impact on not only the politics of France, but the social behaviors, opportunities and barriers of our beloved country. The second part of article 6 in particular interests me - as it proclaims that all citizens are equal in the eyes of the law and as such are considered for government positions according to ability rather than birthright or wealth from before. This combined with article 15 is definitely going to flush out all the incompetent nobility and clergy in our state whilst allowing the capable, beneficial noble and clerical contemporaries to stay in the government.
    ~Ryan Chanthapadith, Peasant

    1. To call all nobility corrupt and incompetent is unfair, while I cannot speak for all of my people I believe we want to see change just as much as you all. However, flipping France and all we know upside down will not solve anything, just cause chaos and wreak havoc among all estates! We should try to work out a solution that will not harm any estates and instead continue what we’ve been doing but with minor alterations.

    2. As a member of the clergy, I disagree with your statement that The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is "a godsend" considering that it is taking away the power from the church and the church officials including myself. Article 13 states that there should be proportional taxes between all classes, but as a member of the clergy I believe that we should continue to not be taxed. This is due to the fact that us not being taxed helps benefit you as peasants because we provide you with advantages such as education in the Catholic religion and in the arts such as literature. Therefore, equally taxing everyone will result in mass chaos throughout all the classes including you as peasants.
      -Brooke McManus/ clergy

  5. While I agree with some parts of the “Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen”, like the very first article that states, “Social distinction may be founded only upon the general good”, I find some articles hard to agree with. It is absolutely necessary to divide into social estates, without them we would have no sense of priority towards the higher estates, therefore this is for the general good and maintaining control; a solid first article. However, this declaration then starts spouting nonsense that will only put France into an even deeper rut.
    In article 6 it states, “Every citizen has the right to participate personally, or through his representative, in its foundation”, this is why I can only agree with this declaration partially because, as individuals, we should not get that much say and freedom of choice. Utter chaos would ensue! Thus, we need to disregard the part about “personally” and stick to voting through representatives. Finally, as a highly respected noble, I am in disbelief at the gibberish noted in article 13, “A common contribution is essential for the maintenance for the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equally distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means.” As this denotes that we, the higher estates should have to contribute with taxes and such, is simply making a mockery of us. For years only the third estate, which is the majority of the population, has contributed, so why now should we change tradition? As a citizen of France, I would like to see change and improvement as well, but there is a fine line between reform and ridiculousness.

    1. I agree with you that the first article is necessary, but I do not agree with your opinion on article 6 and 14, especially article 14. If you do plan to raise taxes on the third estate, what good will that do? We have no more to give. Who does that leave? The first and second estate. Yes, for many years you guys have not paid taxes, but it is selfish to continue doing so. Where else shall we gain money? If you really want France to come out of this economic depression, the you should agree with article 14.
      Andrei Calinog, Peasant

    2. I’d have to disagree with your claims, noble. Social stratification needs to be abolished in order to have equality in our nation. This would spark the movement for unity to develop and France’s power to grow. Regarding your thoughts on Article 13, I firmly disagree with your claim. Taxes need to be equally spread out through our citizens, again, so our rights are equal and no more priorities go towards the upper estates. I don’t believe that it is a mockery to be a fair contributor to support our nation. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is not something we should ignore but to look up at and view as our goal to make our broken nation right again.
      - Amber Cho, Peasant

  6. As a French peasant, I am satisfied with many of the articles illustrated in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. More specifically, articles 6, 11, 13, and 14. Article 6 addresses the main issue that us peasants faced prior to the government’s reformation. This article highlights the right for the people to select government officials on their own bases. Such a right not only gives me a voice in how my country is ran, but also gives me the opportunity for my community to enact change as we see fit. Article 11 states that all French citizens have the freedom of speech, religion, and expression. Prior to this article we were ridiculed, or even punished in serious cases, for expressing ideas that went against the government’s views. Now we are able to communicate our ideas and opinions towards social matters through various medias without the constant risk of backlash from the aristocracy. This article eliminates our main form of oppression. Lastly, articles 13 and 14 go hand in hand. They state that all French citizens are to be taxed equally and are able to have a say in how our taxes are used. Equal taxing gives my class the ability to have economic breaks, allowing my family to generate more money that we could save for ourselves. Our hard earned money will not longer be the funds for the monarch’s luxurious life style, rather it will be used to improve our cities and public services.

    With that said, I disagree with article 17. This article says that property can be forcefully stripped away from the owner if the government requires it. While the owner will be paid back in full for their loss, it will still leave them and their family homeless. I do not enjoy worrying about the chance of my house being taken away from me without notice. I predict that the changes imposed by the articles will give me a better chance to improve my lifestyle. I now have to struggle less to make ends meet and feed myself with the economic changes made. I have increased social rights that makes me feel like a contributing member of society rather than a slave. With a new focus on humanitarian rights, my offsprings will be able to leave this impoverished life and pressure an education and indulge in the arts. The revolution changed my nation for the better.

    Nicole Attallah/Peasant Class

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. As a peasant of France, I agree with the central idea demonstrated in The French Declaration of Rights which states that all men are equal. Specifically starting off article 1 states my main belief. No matter the social status or the family a French citizen was born into, we should all be treated with the same equality and freedom. A citizen of France is a citizen of France I believe that no man should be divided under any means. This will change France for the better because the land will be united. I also agree strongly with article 13. The article states that all citizens of France shall be taxed equally. Peasants have always been taxed higher than others in the country such as the nobles. However, this article states that taxes will no longer be unbalanced and the struggling peasants will not have to pay more than they can even afford. Article 11 also states a belief I agree with. The article states that every citizen has free speech and the opportunity to share their ideas as well as communicate it others. This will change France for the better because our technology will advance with the new interactions and communications.

    An article I disagree with is article 5. The article states that the law may only forbid actions that are harmful to society. I believe the law should forbid all that is untruthful to society as well. Some things may not be harming us but they can be doing damage to the land. Such as the corruption in the government which isn't even noticed. I believe the law should forbid any leader who shows can sign of corruption and steers the land to chaos, this will help France for the better because we will grow into a stronger land.

    Nicole Datastanyan/ Peasant

    1. I, a member of the Christian Church, agree with your statement regarding that article five should allow for law to forbid all that is harmful and untruthful to society. This will allow for the people of France to not fall down the righteous path which the word of God discourages. However, I disagree with your opinions regarding article 13 stating that all individuals should be taxed equally. The reason being that the Church currently is rightfully not responsible for paying as it is a place of God that is higher than the state and a holy location not to be taxed. Additionally, the development of new technologies and communication that you predict would come with the beliefs in article 11 would not benefit clergies, such as myself. The reason being that the Christianity has flourished in France and would continue to flourish without the presence of other ideas for individuals to freely choose from and communicate with; therefore, article 11 would take away the authority and power of the church and the presence of Christianity over the people of France.
      Clergy/Nicole Marinch

    2. As being the clergy and the member of the Christian Church, I agree with how you stated with article 5 should allow for law to get rid of harmful factors to the country. This will lead the French to not follow the right path,, which the word of God doesn't approve of. On the other hand, I would have to not agree with how you mentioned article 13 stating how everyone should get taxes equally. I disagree because the Church isn't responsible for paying all the taxes when the Church shouldn't be taxed due to how it's higher than the state. Clergies and as myself, we unfortunately won't benefit from new advancements such as having new communication due to how Christianity will be more than enough. Christianity will continue to spread and won't be in need of being influenced by other ideas. In article 11, it will take all dominance from the church and decrease conversions with Christianity in France.
      -Victoria Melgoza, Clergy

  9. As a member of the church, a clergy, many of the items throughout the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. These articles in the declaration, misguide the people of France from the church and discovering their eternal peace and morality with God and the church. For instance, in article three, the idea that sovereignty, authority, lays with a mans nation; however, this domination should resign with the church and God rather than the state. When the church is provided with domination over the people, they are able to find themselves within God and the church, then becoming followers and fellow Christians like myself, supporting the church. Additionally, as the church is a holy sanctuary, I also disagree with the statements regarding that taxes is for all in article 13. The church would be exempted from all tax as it preaches the word of God, a place of God, one who is above all human entities, including the state, nation of France.
    Furthermore, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen preaches the freedom of man to choose. Specifically, article ten and eleven state that man should be able to hold their own opinions, not ones that necessarily match another or that are forced upon them. With this, man and citizen are encouraged to share and converse their ideologies with one another. While communicating about an individual's ideas is encouraged by me as a clergy, the only opinions which I desire for individuals to spread and converse about is Christianity.
    Additionally, I disagree with the principals in articles eight and nine, as they oppose the words of the Bible which I preach. Article eight states that the law is meant to punish man; however, God is the one who is supposed to punish man who has done wrong according to the Christian Church. The Bible also writes that all are born sinners and must be bathtized in order to be cleansed of sin, which is the opposite of the idea that one is innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, the declaration opposes the word of God, the one who I follow. However, the declaration does state that law would be put into place for the guidance of the people to no fall into a righteous path, similarly to the word of God.
    Overall, with the growing popularity of this declaration, the general population of France will begin to fall into a righteous path, away from the word of God, as it will likely discourage the beliefs of Christianity. This will then decrease the conversion rates and the popularity of the church which I am devoted to as a clergy. Taxes will begin to be implemented for the Church. Each of these factors will decrease its prominence and power of the Christian Church, as well as my authority as a clergy, in France.
    Clergy/Nicole Marinch

    1. Being a peasant, I disagree with your beliefs about the Declaration. This declaration does not misguide us, but rather sets us in the right direction of equality. Not only that, but I don't believe that the church should be exempt from taxes. Currently, France has major financial troubles and it is up to EVERYONE to help pay them off. Additionally, I don't think it is the churches job to reside over the common people because church should be separate from the state. Overall, this declaration gives the common people of France hope and sets us in the right direction. This declaration is a major step in the right direction, not the wrong direction like you think.
      Amanda Durand/ peasant

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As a man of god wouldn't you believe in inherent equality and rights for all people. As one you speaks the word of our lord wouldn't he want all of his creations to be happy instead of chasing our own tail being so caught up in our own dogman to see the positives of such change. As a peasant and a believer I would say that the lord would want our help. I sincerely hope you reconsider the will of the lord and see that rights for everyone including yourself is beneficial to all of mankind.

      -James Baker, Peasant

    4. As a peasant, I agree with your claims and ignorance to the equality of all people. You have lived shielding your eyes from the many tragedies occurring outside of Versailles. Afraid of change as it would put the clergy in a worse position than before. You also speak about God but, would he not be disappointed in the conditions that us Lower class are in. The greed of the church can also be seen in the last paragraph as seen by your dismay with the new tax reforms. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is a correct step for the decency and prosperity for the future of France.

  10. Being a peasant, I greatly agree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Before this declaration, I had the lowest status and no equality whatsoever to the other two estates. This declaration gives me the equality that I want. For example, article 1 states that Men are born free and equal in rights and that their social class is only determined by their skill/usefulness, not birth. This is a huge change because before no matter how skilled or useful I was, I was unequal to those in higher estates. Another article which I find beneficial to me is article 11 which talks about the free communication of ideas, opinions, and thoughts. This means that no matter what my opinions on anything, I can not be punished for them whereas before I could be. Another article which I agree with is article 7 that says you can only be accused, arrested, or punished if you have committed a crime that was predetermined by the law. This means that there is no injustice when someone is angry and they just punish someone because they don't like them.
    So, overall I agree with this declaration because it gives more freedom and equality to the common people, such as myself, in France. It allows me to also have feeling of security with these laws in place because I can't be punished because of my thoughts/beliefs. My hope is that these laws will bring France to a more fair and equal reality. I hope that it will give the common people more power and give them a say in our government and society. I hope that with these declarations we will also have a more equal social class system in which your rank is determined by your skill/usefulness, not your birth.
    Amanda Durand/Pesant

  11. As a peasant, I definitely agree with what is said in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. This Declaration has allowed me to have the equality that I wished for. Before this declaration we peasants had no equality as well as being in the lowest social class. This makes it easier to climb the social classes, because as article 1 states, men are born free and equal and their social class is now determined by their skills. This is great because before, if you were born a peasant you were always going to be a peasant no matter how smart or how hard we work.

    Another article that is great for the peasants is article 11 which says that we have the freedom of communication of ideas as well as opinions and thoughts. This is fair because for so many years we were silenced because we couldn't openly say our opinions without getting in trouble. But now I can't be punished. Overall I agree with the Declaration for the Rights of Man and Citizen because it gives us peasants more freedom and equality. I hope that these new laws are just the beginning for France becoming more equal for the peasant class.

    Delaney Deisinger/ peasant

    1. As King Louis XVI, I do not believe that you and other peasants should be equal and be able to move up social classes. You were born a peasant; therefore, you should remain one no matter what. Having the same rights as everyone else would just abolish my power. Without the power of a monarch, France would continue to go downhill.

      kacie/King Louis XVI

    2. As a noble, I belong in the spot that I am in because I am qualified. If we let just anyone have our same rights, then the negligent decisions of the third estate will drive our country into despair in all aspects. Equality is only beneficial to a certain extent. Each of us have roles in which we are supposed to do in order to keep France running, and you, as a peasant, taking the same place as a noble, for example, will create uprisings and we would not be any closer to solving our economic crisis.

  12. The Declaration of man is definitely a benefit for us peasants and everyone in the third estate. This is a absolutely massive step for french society and european culture as a whole. It give us more freedom, representation and the ability to change the government if need be. For instance in article 10 it states that I can’t be persecuted for my opinion or religion. Although that law does concern me as the wording can also be used against me in the future because “disturb the public order established by law” is better vague and may be used by a tyrannical government against me. But it is mostly an improvement from the previous government's laws. With these laws we the people can also vote for our representatives that will protect our interest and is all protected by article 14 which states “All the citizens have a right to decide, either personally or by their representatives…”. These articles are overall in my interest as it protects my right that have never had an ounce of impact against the old regime.

    The Declaration of Rights of Man is the greatest step in european history to help the common folk like myself. These laws of rights will hold a great future for france. As the common people will no longer be oppressed and treated like dogs. The inherent abilities the Declaration protect insures that we the people can use our voice to fight against tierney. With that we may move forward as a nation as our rights are secured and the golden age of france will hopefully begin.

    -James Baker, Peasent

  13. As a peasant of France, I agree with the claims made in the declaration in the rights of men. With these articles, us peasants will further our progression upon the status of equality for all. For example, the 1st article states that all men are born equal and demonstrates the equality that man has gained from the French Revolution. We still have not gained complete egalitarianism as seen by the aristocrats but,this is the closest that the European states have ever reached. Our progress can be seen as only a few years ago we were seen as human trash and had no voting rights except for our one elected head.

    Another article that shows our progress towards equal rights is Number 11. It states that every citizen has the right to speak and write and print with the freedom of speech. This is an incredible change to France as it basically signifies that we can write whatever we want without fear that we will be lynched or guillotined by the nobles or King. It will also us to diversify our literature as before we were subjected to only write what will keep us in the good eyes of the powerful. Another law that shows the improvements made to France is Law number 6. It states that under law, all men are seen as equal in the eyes of law whether it is to protect or punish and without prejudice based upon virtue and talent. This will increase the rights of us in the Third Estate and will hopefully decrease unfair judgements based upon occupation.

    -Caden Arai/Peasant

  14. As a peasant of France, I completely agree with the claims in the declaration in the rights of man. This is exactly what we fought over: freedom and rights. That's what this declaration gives. This will change France because now EVERYONE has equal opportunity and rights. The first article complements my claim because the first article specifically says: men are free and born with equal rights. Am I wrong? Is this not what we have been fighting for?
    Article 3 not just gives everyone equal rights, it makes sure one does not have so much power over everyone else. If this happens, no ruler can make unfair decisions. Article 14 also fixes the problem we have that started our downfall. Article 14 does a few things, but the biggest outcome from it is that everyone is equally taxed.

  15. As King Louis XVI, I strongly disagree with various points that were brought up within these articles. Most of these articles try to promote equality and rights in a way that could potentially hurt our country even more. None of the ideas presented in the articles should be taken into consideration and everything should stay how it is. The estates and the roles of each estate should remain, no matter what the articles state. If we implement what is said in the articles, we will get nowhere in trying to help our country get back on it's feet.

    I firmly believe that article 6 is illogical as allowing everyone an equal role in politics would abolish my role as a monarch. People in lower estates should not be allowed to have power or hold political positions. Each estate has a specific role, so changing this would only cause a downfall. Article 1 is also very unreasonable. Our country is separated into estates for a reason; therefore, allowing everyone equal rights no matter the social status will do no good. In order to maintain an organized society, we need to be separated into different social classes. The ideas in article 11 would not be practical either as it would get rid of the role of the 1st estate. As seen, the articles would not help France at all as equal rights would just get rid of the power of the monarchy. Without this power, I would be nothing.

    1. As a peasant, I find your response to be quite absurd. You argue that equal rights would not help France at all and that we should keep the estate system. However, it was under your rule that the French Revolution came under way. It was because of the estate system and the social inequality that we decided to finally fight for our rights and begin a revolution. In fact, our revolution became so strong and widespread that you attempted to run away with Queen Marie Antoinette only to end up being executed. Therefore, the declaration would actually be doing you a favor as it would keep everyone happy and you can continue to reign as king.

    2. - Liana Bartolome / Peasant

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  17. As a French peasant I have suffered through various injustices that affect the quality of my life. Such injustices include unfair taxation to just the third estate as well as no power or influence in the government from the peasants. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is salvation in the form of a document. This form addresses the very problems that I have just pointed out. I wholeheartedly agree with the articles that would support the encouragement of equality for the good of my fellow peasant class.

    First, unfair taxation would be resolved through Article 13 where it states that the cost of running the government should be equitably spread to all citizens. This article would help lift the burden off our shoulders of carrying the nation of France on our shoulders. Next, Article 6 states that all citizens have the same opportunities of representation, while the only distinguishing factors are abilities, virtues, and talents. This would help the truly skilled be represented in our government no matter where they come from or which estate they belong to. The final article that I would like to address regards the problem of establishing equality between citizens which is Article 1. This article states that basic rights are equal to all men, which is what we need in our stratified and unified nation.

    -Amber Cho, Peasant

    1. Amber Cho, as you've noticed, Article 13 promotes the taxation of all citizens, and as I'm sure you know, more than 95% of France is made up of the third estate already, so how much of a difference will taxing the extra 5% make?
      However, I agree with you that Article 6 is very enlightened and a great addition to the system of government, though perhaps not in the way you assume. Many nobles are educated in certain jobs to help them be able to inherit their positions, and if they're already educated in these jobs it should help them to achieve them whether or not the system works.

  18. As being the clergy, I am one of the members in the church, a lot of the articles throughout the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. These items in the declaration don't assist the French from the church and find their peace/ethics with God within the church. For example, in article three, the concept of power, more authority, stays within the men's country/nation. But this power should leave the job to the church and God instead of the state. People will be able to discover themselves within God and the church then become Christians supporting the church if the church is being given with domination over the people. To add on, the holy sanctuary is the church. This leds for me to disagree with the taxes statements in article 13. The church would be free from all taxes as it supports the concept of God. In addition, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen supports the freedom of men. For example, in article 10 and 11, both of them state how men should be able to express their opinions. With this being said, men and citizens have the freedom to share their beliefs with everyone. As clergy, I encourage everyone to express their ideas and I believe everyone should spread/influence Christianity.
    I disagree with how there's a resistance of words of the Bible, which I publicly proclaim as how articles 8 and 9 state. Article 8 was explaining that the law is for punishment against men and I believe only God can be the one to punish men who has committed a sin based off of the beliefs in Christianity and the church at hand. In the Bible, it states how everyone who is born as a sinner needs to get baptised so they can be free off of the sins, which expresses a total different idea than trying to make innocent people to be proved blameworthy. Although the declaration disapproves the word of God, which I disagree with. The declaration does express the law that gets placed for people to follow in a righteous path, which is the same concept in the religion of Christianity and God. To conclude, the growing population in this declaration will make France to fall into a right path to make people not believe in Christianity. This action won't increase the amount of people who will convert to the church, which I am loyal to as being a member of the church or being a clergy. Taxes will make decisions depending on the factors to the church. These factors will lead to less power and control to the church.

  19. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is exactly what France needs. This document will reform France as a society and as an empire. The declaration stresses the idea of equality among all. This equality applies to everyone, even us peasants, whether it be protection or punishment. One of the main reasons why the French Revolution started in the first place was due to the social gap between the third estate and the other estates. We had to pay taxes, do all of the labor work, and provide food for everyone while the other estates got special treatment for doing basically nothing. This declaration seems to be closing this gap and is reforming France for the better.

    Articles 3, 11, and 13 will set the foundation for a better country. Article 3 states that government authority should proceed directly from the nation. This means that the people now have a say in the government and what we want or don't want. This article can take us one step closer to a parliamentary government. Article 11 states everyone's rights to free speech. With this article in place, I no longer have to fear for my life and hide away all because I may have said something that my peers may not agree with. Article 13 states that contribution to the state is necessary and should be equally distributed. We peasants will no longer have to break our backs in labor work only to end up with no food. Now, with everyone having contributional duties, we are all united under an obligation which will lessen the social gap between the third, second, and first estates.

    -Liana Bartolome / Peasant

    1. Darling, I understand where you're coming from with this, but wouldn't you agree that that's a bit of a stereotype, saying that those in the higher estates are pampered day and night? Nobles work just as hard, we are even educated and trained to inherit certain jobs. While I cannot speak for every person in the Second Estate, I can say that a bit of change is necessary...just not this drastic of one. If our country is flipped upside down, we could be facing chaos and disorder throughout all of the estates, you won't be excluded from that for certain. Instead, wouldn't it be better if we worked together and continued with our current method, but we could make minor alterations here and there. That way, there's less foolish behavior and more actual progress with our economy.

    2. A clergy I disagree with the ideas you are presenting. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is not something that France needs in order to heal. Article 3 is bad because authority should come from God and those who God chooses to speak through, which would be the Church and the first estate. I disagree with Article 13 because although the peasants should be taxed less to help them with their hunger, the Church and its officials should not be taxed at all really. The Church and the clergy are connected to God and God is above anything and should not be taxed. We just need to trust God will help heal our country. Article 11 I only somewhat agree with, people should have freedom of speech but they need to use that privilege to talk about God and spread his word so that more people convert to Christianity.

      Clergy/ Avi McGaughey

  20. As a noble, I believe that this article has the right heart, as it is aimed at limiting the power of the king and helping society to function more smoothly. Article 1 seems very reasonable to me because, as I explain more below, nobles are very useful to society, as they can serve as regional rulers to help keep average people in check and make sure they are following the laws. Nobles are very useful, so it seems to me that they would be able to retain much of their previous status. I especially like the idea of article 9, which prohibits the guillotine-ing of anyone until they’ve been proven guilty. This seems like the perfect article for these troubled times, and I have a feeling that it could prove vital in the coming years, unless if somebody were to set up a rule based on terror. However, I believe it goes too far in some places, as in Article 6 where it suggests that all jobs should be open for anyone. This would take several important jobs away from nobles, jobs that we have held for centuries. Since we have held these jobs for so long, it is obvious that we are the best people to fulfill them. These jobs and talents have been handed down for centuries from father to son to grandson, and taking them away would go too far in disrupting the social structure.

    This declaration will definitely limit the power of the king and the church, as it says in article 3 that power comes from the nation, not God. Though this may limit some of my power as a noble, I may still be able to retain some power if I can prove that I have a skill that is important to society. I dearly hope, however, that these changes will remain small and steady and that France will be able to undergo a quiet transition into a new system of government and that I, as a noble, will be able to find a helpful (and hopefully powerful) niche in this new system.

    -Cooper Johnson/Noble

  21. As a noble, I agree with the very first article as it shows how our society can be fair to all while still having social classes to function. In fact, I believe the estate system that we have in place now is beneficial and is a factor in our nation's success. There is a reason why we have had this in place for so long because it is our job, as nobles, to keep the people below us in check, and the same goes for the king who looks over us in the second estate. I feel that it wouldn't affect France too much since we have followed it for so long, but it would definitely make it more prominent and let people know their place and where they belong. Article 17 is also one that aligns with my beliefs because as a noble, I do hold land, and I know that many of my fellow nobles do as well, and this article would allow us to be secure in our owning so that the king doesn't unjustly take it away.

    However, article 6 would not bring our country into a better state at all. Everybody in France does not have the qualifications to make decisions of that extent. There is a reason why we are in the positions we are in, and if peasants, for example, are allowed to make impactful choices without much thought, it would deteriorate our country. I think that article 13 is preposterous because it wouldn't do any good to tax the top 1% of the population when the other 99% of the people would make a much greater impact. It is their duty in the third estate to give back to the government. That's how it has always been and always worked. Due to the debt, it should be increased to bring us back into prosperity.

  22. Replies
    1. According to article one of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, all men are born and remain equal. Therefore, why are you a noble whilst my family and I work hard simply to afford taxes and feed ourselves? You are not above us, yet we support the entirety of you and your state's lifestyle. The only way to make our country great is to tax everyone, as all citizens of France are equal and must be taxed as such. My estate and I are those you claim to control, yet we outnumber you greatly and you maintain more political power than my friends and family. We must change this if we are to unify ourselves and truly improve France.
      --Kristana Ferguson/Bourgeoisie

  23. All right, I've said it once, I will not hesitate to say it again: this whole "Enlightenment" phase that the French peasants are going through is garbage. As far as the actually civil and sane people in this country are concerned, all this movement has done is cause unnecessary drama and insanity among the people, and most importantly, against our beloved King and Queen. I found the "Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen" a hard read for me; I have to be frank, it wasn't that good. The First and Second Estates offered the Third Estate protection, and this is what they give us? A reading assignment?? For shame.

    I would like to point out these three certain articles that really got under my 20 layers of makeup. There were Articles 13 and 14, which talked about how taxes should vary based on one's supply. What the hell is that going to do for the economy, how is that equal at all? There's Article 6 as well that talks about representatives...we've got them already, though, so what's the issue? Each estate is represented by their own council, this confusion's really just for nothing. If we decided to have representatives based on a head count, THAT would be utter chaos. As far as the First and Second Estates are concerned, these ideas would lead to the destruction of our current, properly functioning order, and our economy would go nowhere but downhill.

  24. As a clergy I find myself disagree with this document for various reasons. I think that a lot of the articles, such as 8, 10 and 11, and 13, go against God and the church and should not be made apart of our society. Article 8 talks about how the law is meant to punish people, but how can that be true when that is God's job. Only God, and sometimes through the church, can punish people for their sins. In the Bible it tells us that people need to be cleansed of their sin but the practice of the law in the document goes against that by saying people are innocent until proven guilty. I believe the outcome of this article of the declaration will lead to people straying from the church and too many sinners not trying to be close to God to be forgiven for their mistakes and instead letting the law decide if they are worthy of life.

    In articles 10 and 11 the declaration states that people should develop their own opinion. I disagree with this because I believe that people should develop their opinions based on the Bible and God's light and image. However, if the people are taught to develop their opinions based on the Bible then it can be a good thing because more people will talk to others about God and will talk to each other and eventually lead to more conversions. Article 13 says that everyone should be taxed equally and I strongly disagree with that statement. While I'll admit the taxes on the third estate are heavy and that I wouldn't mind paying a little to help our country. However I think it is unreasonable to tax everyone, especially the first estate equally. The church does not and should not pay because we are the official that hold everything together, and we are the people God speaks through to the people, it would be wrong to tax us and the church. If everyone were taxed the same then that would put the church and the officials of God at the same level as everyone else and that is not true. So as a clergy I mostly disagree with this declaration document.

    Clergy/ Avi McGaughey

  25. As a Bourgeoisie, I totally agree with the articles outlined in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen because they will benefit myself, my country, and my fellow members of the third estate. Prior to the creation of these articles, the third estate were treated as second class citizens. We were taxed so heavily that simply feeding our families meant working constantly and spending our earnings on a loaf of bread. This was allowed to happen by the second and first estates, who had more rights and political power than the largest estate: the third estate. The articles support ideals that will change this, so I support them in their entirety.
    The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen will affect change in France by giving citizens the opportunity to incite change on the basis that men have the freedom to share his opinion, all men are born equal, and that the aim of political association is the preservation of the rights of man. According to article eleven, one of the most precious rights of a man is the freedom to share his opinion. Therefore, if citizens believe the government should change, then they have the right to say so. Change will also be affected as, according to the first article, all men are born and remain equal. Therefore, those in the second and first estates are no better than my people and I. They should have to pay taxes with us, and this document supports that idea. Additionally, the second article states that the role of political association is the preservation of the rights of man. These include liberty, property, security, and resistance from oppression. If the people feel that we are oppressed, we are at liberty to change this. All in all, I know this document will affect change in that the people, including myself, have the ability to change our government and our country if we feel that our rights are being infringed upon.

    --Kristana Ferguson/Bourgeoisie

  26. As a member of the clergy and the church, I disagree with some points made clear by the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as it directs people away from the church. For example, article 3 states that sovereignty resides in the nation and no individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation. However, the authority should reside in the church rather than the state so that God can lead them down a more religious and true path. Also, I disagree with the viewpoints made by article 8 because this article states that law shall provide for such punishments only as are strictly and necessary. However humane and fair it goes against the teachings of Christianity in that all people should get a second chance to redeem themselves.
    I also disagree with the statements made by article 13 in which it states that the church will be exempt due to its teachings of God as beginning below or deemed insufficient from the nation and human affairs. This means that the church authority will decrease meaning that my power as a part of the church clergy will decrease meaning that the support through education and art forms such as literature will not be provided/granted to the peasants and lower classes to benefit them. Therefore as apart of the clergy, I believe that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen will have a negative effect on France due to its overall lack of interest in the religion of Christianity which encourages people to not join the church which overall decreases the church’s power as well as my own.

    -Brooke McManus/ clergy

  27. As a peasant, I completely believe in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. This will allow us to have more equality among all of the estates rather that just that of the upper estates. Therefore, it will close the gap that was there between the upper estates and the lower estates as far as things such as taxation which was not fair before.

    Evidence that this will help the overall equality of our country is from the evidence provided in articles 3, 11, and 13. Our taxation crisis can be solved with this article where it states that money should be transferred equally throughout the people. Article 3 will help solve the crisis because as it states that government should be authorized and put in control by the nation's vote. The final solution can be found in article 11 as it states everyone has a voice to contribute which will help determine our government.

    Minwoo Cho/ Peasant

  28. As a noble, I believe that this declaration of man and citizen is not only an ineffective, but an act that will make our economy worse. It states that the taxes enforced should be in accordance with the supply of the person. This is unbelievable seeing how nobles are some of the highest earning. This would mean that we would have to pay much more than peasants. We are the backbone of the country, and we should be treated as such.
